Long-Lived LED Lighting Lowers Shopping Mall's Operating Costs and Brightens Experience
Long-Lived LED Lighting Lowers Shopping Mall's Operating Costs and Brightens Experience

Commercial Property Owners

Long life-expectancy LED lighting lowers operating costs, upgrades the space appearance, and eliminates maintenance hassles for commercial property owners. Many LED light fixtures are expected to operate more than 100,000 hours – that is over 20 years for most applications.

Commercial property owners are uniquely positioned to reap the benefits of long-lived LED lighting:

Commercial Property Lighting Maintenance

Should you decide to keep your existing fluorescent or high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting system, Lumenal Lighting can help you by establishing a scheduled maintenance program, respond to one-off emergency service needs, or replace your failing light fixtures with LED upgrades one by one in a rolling retrofit program.

Reach us online anytime or call us today at (425) 481-5001 to select the right commercial lighting maintenance or upgrade program for your commercial property.

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